Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fo Shizzle Yo

Yo yo yo...if a perma-fried Snoop can read his scriptures, what's holding me back?

April fools? Truth? As Snoop says, "the bizzle of the flizzle in the middizzle of the rizzle makes one want to sizzle."

Here is the newslink/story (depending on if you beliezze it or not):


Ruby said...

the spiritual half of me believes it. the other carnal half does not.
what think ye?

Ruby said...

did i mention that the carnal half is not really half, but more like 99%. so i am almost 100% positive that is a fallacy.

Margaret said...

Good work boo-boo...of course this if fake!!
I was curious to see who would believe. I'm glad the 99% of you is carnal, so you don't fall for such things.

I'm sure this will spread through the LDS community like corn flakes on funeral potatoes.

Margaret said...

I meant to say 'is fake' not 'if fake'.

Kyle Bob said...

Oh ye of little faith. But I actually heard that it was a fake as well from CNN as an April Fool's joke. But still, any publicity is good publicity for the church.

Margaret said...

True brother...I wish I could command photoshop like that. The picture is priceless.