Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pics of the New Hampshire

Dramatic Chipmunk

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Munchkin

Rather than e-mailing out pics to everyone, I'm going to post some here so that you can all see them.
Here are the most recent ones of the munchkin.

I put her down on the floor and not 10 seconds later she has disappeared, except for that little bald head poking out.

She had somehow broken through my fortress of pillows and managed to sneak under the bed. The original purpose of the pillows now lost.

Hiking up in Leavenworth.

Hittin' up the shops of Bavarian treats. Okay, mostly just ice cream shops that blare Bavarian music.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

happy birthday kate!
i love you very much and i cannot wait to see you.
without dave and the kids that is.


To a fabulous sister that is always so kind, so supportive, so funny and so fashionable. No one wears a velvet brown dress like you!
Happy 30th Birthday!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's a bloggers world

Hello family.
It seems everyone has a blog, so why not the McOmber family I say?
It is so easy to use and any of you can post on it. You can even send the McOmberink. story ideas through it.
Please post!
Let me know if you have any problemo's or questions!