Seattle. Sigh. Love that city. I just returned from a trip to visit the Smiths and of course, eat some cupcakes. Margaret and Austin are very fun to stay with because they are energetic, generous, hospitable, adventurous and mildly sarcastic. Our excursion’s included: the tulip festival, downtown and west Seattle, kayaking on Lake Union and an (unintentional) copious amount of Beastie Boys, Sublime and Leona Lewis. Lots of laughs were had (thanks to Millie-- who can animorph into a plethora of animals) and Austin even made naan bread. Margaret and I went window shopping several times and ate…too much to mention.
I have to say though- the trip got really interesting after I bought this:
Call me Dora. And yes, Austin actually did take the photo like this. (typical) No cropping necessary.
While walking around Pike’s Place unabashedly in my new fedora, on the hunt for ginger pig cookies and fresh mini donuts, I felt the gaze of everyone I passed by. Upon my arrival at Starbuck’s, a hobo, unfortunately not “Jimmy,” with a straggly voiced yelled from behind me, “that’s a nice, swanky hat you got there.” I think Austin was more uncomfortable that he was being seen with me, which must have been why he disappeared for solid fifteen minutes after that. Moments later at a dry fruit stand a worker then said to me: “What can I do for your hat today?” And so the day continued on in this manner. People talking to the hat and not to me as it became it’s own entity. I turned to Margaret and said: “The hat does not control me people. I control the hat,” and Margaret responded with something but all I remember her saying is, “Grrrryyfindooor.”
Like I said, the trip was a blast. So thank you Smiths for everything. I must confess my affection and love for Amelia. I simply adore her. She is darling and is a sliver of heaven and I can’t wait for another! So enjoy these videos of Millie at her best.
Pay attention to "The Penguin"